Roblox – Forest Wildlife
Explore the wonders of nature in the virtual world with the Roblox – Forest Wildlife course! Learn to design and …Blender 1.0
Holiday Program 2024 – Galaxy Journey
Join us for an exciting space adventure with the “Galaxy Journey” program for kids aged 6-12 at Koding Akademi! This …Bootcamp Data Science
Apakah kamu ingin meng-upgrade karirmu dan menjadi seorang Data Scientist profesional? Ikuti Bootcamp Data Science, program intensif selama 3 bulan …Animation and Game Development
Figma for UI/UX Design
Kursus ini dirancang untuk membahas desain UI dan UX menggunakan aplikasi Figma. Peserta akan mempelajari konsep dasar desain visual, mulai …Coding for Middle Schools
Coding for Elementary School
Fun Coding for Kids